Northwest Compressors is the North West’s leading supplier of EnergAir products.
The Economics of Energy Saving Translate into Improved Profits…
In today ‘s pressurised global economy the economics of energy saving make sound financial sense. International agreements on global warming mean that companies have to undertake energy saving measures as a matter of course if they are not to suffer financially from government legislation. However,what is not widely realised is that the savings made, often at relatively low cost to their ongoing value, are a direct profit contribution to a company’s bottom line.
Compressed Air Represents 10% of Industrial Electrical Consumption, but Much is Wasted…
EnergAir, a highly experienced energy efficiency consultancy, help companies achieve these savings. The consultancy concentrates on the compressed air user, putting in place control and monitoring products that will make a noticeable difference in a matter of days. This is important because compressed air represents 10% of all industrial electrical consumption and in many cases, companies use their compressors inefficiently and have inadequate distribution systems.
Energy Savings of as much as 35% Achievable…
EnergAir’s twin aims are to reduce the electrical consumption of these systems and to increase their efficiency. By applying EnergAir’s control philosophy, together with industry best practice, savings of as much as 35% should be achievable.
Specialist Partners Ensure Service at Local Level…
EnergAir covers Europe and the US with a network of local Specialist Partners who are able to advise on ways to improve compressed air system performance. The range of services offered include air performance audits, monitoring, and putting best practice operating procedures alongside intelligent control technology to continuously improve compressed air system efficiency and reduce downtime.